Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It is all a ploy!

I have decided that my little guy has a scheme going on. I try at the moment to go to the gym 2-3 times a week and for that little window of time my little boy goes in the daycare. Now the fuss he puts up as I walk out of the door one would believe he was about to have his arms and legs removed. However within a couple of minutes everything is fine and he is running around without any issues. But we have now devised a plan or rather he has and that is to POOP! So after about 30-40 minutes and I am peddling up a storm on the bike as that is what I finish my work out with. Instead of getting about 30 minutes of peddling and trying to read a book, a staff member arrives at the said saying "He pooped" Now I never bring in a diaper bag and also the screaming as I leave can only be done once for me so I have to go and collect him. I think he thinks well if I poop I know she will come and also I think he likes patting my belly and is scared I will lose it. All in all however it makes trying to work out an interesting experience. I make sure that I have done my walking and rowing before the face appears with the news that my son needs me. Oh what it is to be needed!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Summer Bash

The weekend held in store lots of fun for us. We or rather I should say I decided that since my little guy never managed to get a birthday party due to us living in the apartment and also us half being packed etc I decided that we should have a Summer Bash this month so that at least my little guy had had some type of party. So the evites were sent out and when the day arrived we had quite a few friends that said they would come. I began to panic that we would have rain but no we had the most amazing weather for the middle of July. There was almost no humidity at all which was a blessing. We have purchased a small pool for my little boy but instead of filling it with water we added balls instead. We also had a small paddling pool for a little water, also we had so truks and cars that could be sat on or in and set off on an adventure. Great fun was had by all that came I believe as the kids ran around exploring the fun of things and throwing balls everywhere. The water was splashed and the food devoured. By the end of the day my little boy had had a wonderful time but also was tired. I wish I could say that he slept for ever that night but no 5.40 the cries arrived, alas no lie in. But still I loved it and so did everyone else I hope!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

We're all off on a summer holiday!

Well actually we have just come back but hey who cares. We managed three nights away in Williamsburg. All three of us had a blast. My little guy had great time running round and seeing new things. He decided that he loved curry to eat a long with BBQ chicken sandwiches. We went on a carriage ride and walked through a maze. We played huge amount of peek-a-boo and all in all had a great few days away. It came after a long couple of weeks in which my little guy got FIVE teeth and four of them were molars so it has been tough but it is over. Having lounge in the sun over the weekend with nothing more to do than have fun and eat the world arrived with a bang as we tried to get back to normal living and routine. However today I got out the paddling pool and the little car and we pretend that the holiday was still on.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Playroom,, fireworks and a night out!

Over the weekend we had a mass sorting out. My husband spent the afternoon removing what looks to be about 20 years of junk from the shed that was left by the previous owner and the one before that we believe. Everything was found from old car seats, rusty old children's bikes and even a little kids car that once cleaned will be great. I on the other hand spent the afternoon cleaning and organising my little guy's playroom complete with ball pit for the moment. Great fun was had in that as we threw balls all over the place and could create as much mess as we want. It also now means that my lounge is back to being a lounge rather than a toy dump!

We all went out together to see the local fireworks. My little man loved them in the beginning and by the end was trying very hard to fall asleep. Also on Sunday we went out with our little guy he got to stay at home with some friends that came to babysit. He had a ball as they played with him and entertained him while me and my husband managed some adult conversation. Fun was had by all!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Toothbrush and Toilets.

My little guy has discovered that posting things is great fun. We have left cars in the fridge and blocks down the side of the sofa. We have also left the toothbrush in the toilet. I have to say that was something that we didn't not retrieve to be used again.

We also have been to the doctors to have our 15 month check up. All went well, we discovered that he has about 8 teeth coming through including all four molars which explains the general unhappiness at times. We also had to have a couple of shots and he surprised me by not crying. He just glared at the nurse as if to say 'How dare you!' He even watched the needle go into his arm. I am quite sure if he could have thrown daggers out of his eyes at her he would have. However today we where supper clingy throughout the day, after being around a lot of people we did however begin to come unstuck which was a huge relief.

The new rabbits are still causing great giggles and smiles. I think because unlike the cat they can't run away although I am quite sure they are wishing they could!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


A new adventure has taken hold in our house and that is that we are going to be fostering rabbits. We have taken in two little babies that my little guy thinks are great. I hope that his excitement will carry on as we look after this babies. We are however going to be stopping the horses as my little guy is loving running around too much as I feel it will cause issues to have loose horses and a child that wishes to run.

My little guy is trying to run around a lot more and climb stairs and pursue adventures that only he knows what they are. He will sit there and giggle about a thought he has or shake his head in great excitement. He managed to stay at the gym daycare today although the result was a very clingy baby. It is at those times I am reminded that he is still so little. Although as he runs around and waves at people I begin to think he has grown so big. I feel torn between thinking I have a big boy and a little baby.