Saturday, December 26, 2009

103, Christmas and trains

The beginning of the week began with a very sick little boy with a runny nose and a temperature of 103 which I have to say had me really worried. It meant that my little guy was totally and completely attached to me unless he was asleep and sometimes even then. We did however manage to break the fever Christmas eve and develop a rash. But come Christmas day we were a lot more perky and love our train set for Christmas. We had great fun opening presents and then playing wit our trains. Then in the afternoon we went out to see the National Christmas tree which much to the delight of my little guy had a load of little trains running around. It was nice to get out as we have my husband's brother staying and so showing him the area has been fun. I am hoping that the rest of the week can try and head towards normal at least no more being sick and of course playing with trains is now a must!!

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