Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Year

Happy New Year. As I gently rock my baby in her bouncer I am amazed that she is 6 months old. She still doesn't sleep well and the reflux is a reoccurring issue but I am blessed. My little surprise has slipped into our life so easily I cannot remember it without her. Sure I would love more sleep and be able to leave the house without feeling as though I am moving house. But progress is being made, she is asleep by 9 and so I get a couple of golden child free hours before bed. She can also now sit by herself and play with her toys. I know that time will fly by and that I need to remember these moments. 2012 was an amazing year. At times I wanted to pull out my hair as I tried to teach, write essays and be pregnant but I would not swap it for the world.

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