Friday, November 30, 2012

The Emotions of a Mother

I am amazed how much time has gone since my little girl was born. I have found that now as a mother of two my emotions have more than doubled. The love for my kids has grown more than ever. However the day to day emotions have surprised me. I lurch from success, to living to just basic survival. As I walk the path of motherhood I find some days I am embracing memories as we make Christmas decorations, create pinecone turkeys and go to the zoo. There are other days where we just want to make it to bedtime without us falling apart. Sleep has become short and at times patience is shorter. But through it all I want my children to remember the love and the fun. To grow up and talk about the salt dough decorations we made for family and friends, the Christmas cards, trips to the zoo as well as the cuddles on the sofa, stories read and movies watch.

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