Thursday, January 10, 2013


When we are little we are great dreamers. My son currently wants to be a Monster Truck driver. He has also wanted to be a train driver and a fire fighter. When I was little I wanted to work with animals. As I grew that stayed with me and I have over my life volunteered at pet shelters and riding schools and also had paying work too at kennels and barns. Even the the US I spent a happy time at a horse rescue. Horses are my passion and they are my dream still. But no longer as a job but as a past time. I think as adults dreams can affect our lives greatly. Hanging on to that childhood dream for too long stops us dreaming new dreams. Being so focused on getting that dream means that we miss today. Not dreaming at all can mean we have no goals and feel trapped. At times I have hit all areas of these dreams and those impacts.

I still dream of owning my own horse property and having several horses on it. Some mine, some rescue and some to board. But that is a dream for when I don't have two young children at home fighting for my attention. Now my dream is of a nice house and good schools for my kids to go to. I dream that we can regularly travel abroad to see family. All of these dreams are possible but some change and some need to go and some a truly dreams for that place between awake and asleep where anything is possible. I will never be a world class equestrian but I can dream.

So I have decided to encourage my kids to dream but to teach them when it is time to let go. Not too soon and not too late. And to make sure that their dreams encourage them to fly.

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