Friday, January 27, 2012

16 weeks and counting....

16 weeks pregnant and I find myself looking back over my life and being amazed. I am nowhere near where I thought I would be. Some dreams have been put down for new ones, others have been placed to the side in the hopes that one day they will be able to be fulfilled.

As I teach my students I look at them when life seems so restricted as you can't do this and can't do that but in many ways it is when you are the most free. Yet the choices they will make in the next few years will define a lot of who they are.

I know my teenage years have defined me but not in stone. For one I would never have dreamed that I would be a teacher or be living in the US. I guess you never can know what God has planned for you.

As I look at my little boy and also begin to feel my baby move I know that I want to teach them that sure you can plan but you should also embrace the curve ball that can be thrown. I just want my kids to know that God will always be in control and will only take one dream away to replace it with an even better one.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


It has been so long since I have written and I believe part of that is over the last couple of months I have been getting over the shock, exhaustion and the sickness of being pregnant. I know when this baby arrives I will love it so much but for now this baby is the surprise of 2012.

This pregnancy has been harder mainly because I am working but also my body I feel knows what is coming and so is kind of well lets just get ready and get on it. This school year is going to be a long year as I am not due till July.

God is in all of this as he is the one that organized this surprised. Now I need to trust him on where we as a family will go when it comes to care for my new born to how I will just get to the end of the school year.