Friday, April 30, 2010

And then there was one.

We are now down to just one house guest of my husband's sister. All the rest got on a plane and it took them home. It was sad to see them go and I am very glad I got some extra time with them. me and my little guy have been trying to get used to the fact there are no playmates at the moment. I am studying for exams at the moment so we are trying to find a balance in who goes where. Today we took a visit to a pre-school as I was giving a talk about rabbits. My little guy fitted in like he should have been there even though he is a year younger then everyone else. He did find the sitting down to listen hard but once they were colouring and playing everything was fine. Since I am hoping to become a teacher at some point I loved being there with the kids and getting a taste of what life might be like for me in the future.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Where are you?

We are still enjoying the family at the moment. We have now also got my husband's sister staying so we have a house full for a couple of nights. This has meant that we a sharing a room with our little guy while everyone is here. The other morning my little guy decided that it was time to get up at 5.30am so I just picked him up and put him in bed with me. As he sat next to me and I tried to get to sleep at little voice could be heard "Where are you?" "I am here!" I replied since I was right next to him. "What are you doin?" Was the next question. "Sleeping." was my answer. Even in my half asleep state as I amazed that I was having a proper conversation with my boy. He truly is growing up.

We have also added another new thing that my boy has done and that was to take him to see a film. We went to see How to train your Dragon in 3D. They don't make child size glasses and so they where rather big on his face. There was a little upset in the beginning as we waited for the film to start but once it started he barley moved. This glasses did slip down his nose a couple of times, well a lot of times but he seemed to really love it. I feel that this now means that any kids movie I wish to watch I now have a little one to take with me.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Family, roller-coasters and volcanoes!

Over the last couple of weeks my family has been in town. My parents, grandma and my cousins entertainment has been 24/7 and my little guy has loved it. We went to the beach where my little guy found great delight in wear Grandma's hat. We thought it was some of the funniest things ever. We all laughed to we nearly fell over. At times he couldn't see out from under the hat and would run around until he ran into something. We have also been to Six Flags. My little guy went on the carousel and had a blast as I held onto him. He also was able to go onto a small roller coaster for the first time. He held on with a grin from one end of his face to the other with no idea what was going on but he loved it. I think we may have to become a seasoned traveler on roller coasters. I did myself managed to get on some of the larger roller coasters and some of the rides that you get soaked on.

It was sad when the time came for everyone to leave but since Iceland had a volcano so we had an extended stay. It has meant that my grass has been cut and my little guy has had a blast with extra time with his entertainers.