Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
My, my is that a tooth I see!!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!
I can't believe that Christmas is fast approaching already. I have yet to put up the tree but still there are a few flakes of snow in the air every now and again which makes that Holiday feeling creep all the more closer. Thanksgiving for us was a small afair due to the fact it is just a Christmas dinner a month early as far as I am concerned. It really has no meaning to me since I am lacking the American sentiment. However it is something I think as my boy gets bigger we will do more of.
Friday, November 21, 2008
I have also started to make my own baby food. I have made acorn squash which I have discovered I love to eat, so I am not sure at mealtimes when that is on the menu for him who eats more, me or him. And also I have made sweet potato. On the sweet potato I miss judged how much one potato can make and so I think my boy will look like a sweet potato by the time that he has finished it all. I have not quite decided what food to do next I am thinking maybe peas and then we will start on something sweet. The decisions I have to make. I am sure you all can't wait for the next exciting installment.......... What will it be peas, apples or maybe even peaches!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I've got that feeling.........
Also we are currently in the process of buying a home. I am finally planting a few roots in this country. With housing the way it is we have been blessed to buy a house that a couple of years ago would have truly been put of our reach. But though it all I have had that overwhelming feeling of " Oh my word!!! I am a grown up!!!" OK I know the kid should have given it away but to me house buying is like one of those life stages where you are all grown up and no ones little girl any more. Granted it is several years since I was any one's little girl. I feel that most likely ended the day I jumped on a plane and headed for San Fransisco, but with all the moving and adjusting, life has carried on. It is really only within the last few months I have thought "I am all grown up" I have a son, yes a son! A small living, breathing baby that needs me for everything and I am soon going to enter a new box in those statistics of home owner rather than renter. That is two new boxes, one for a child too!! I feel that is quite enough for 2008.
But though all of it I find myself at a place I am enjoying! I will soon have a true place to call home with a family of me, my husband and my son. Life has truly blessed me and a pray that this feeling of happiness continues and it keeps getting better and better.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Forgiveness, Sleeplessness and Freedom
Forgiveness........ 7 months ago in the eyes of my cat I did something truly awful....... I gave birth! My four legged baby got removed from her throne by a screaming two legged baby. Granted my little cat or maybe not so little cat has been through a lot with me. We got her just two weeks after we moved to America and she helped me focus on something other than I am alone and miles away from family. She is a rather weedy cat to say the least and it took me a while to convince her that I was ok after we adopted her. I think that she was always destined to be a cat scared of her own shadow but not having the best start in life meant she was scared of that and more. But we developed a great bond. She was my cat and I was her person. That was until 7 months ago when I gave birth. From that moment on she would not share the bed with my whether my little boy was with me or not and no longer did she sort me out for cuddles or companionship. If she was dethroned then so I. But in the last couple of weeks my four legged baby has decided that maybe forgiveness is the best way to go and so at last we can enjoy cuddles in bed even when my little guy is there and long discussions about how we are going to but the world to right in the evening. Peace has been restored and we are now both happy. As she was never dethroned, just another one was added (maybe higher than hers but don't tell her that).
Sleeplessness has reared its ugly head again in this house as my little man has decided that sleeping through the night is no longer an option and we must wake at least twice if not three times a night just to make sure that mummy is there and convince the world that starvation has occured.
Freedom, I know this may seem odd when one is suffering from a lack of sleep but my amazing little guy can now sit all by himself. He will happliy sit at my feet while I type this sucking on his tag book and throwing his theether across the room. No more getting upset because he is stuck looking at the ceiling. At times he has been known to eat carpet as he starts to head dive for the floor but things can quickly be righted and happiness restored. And so for me this means that I can get things done without having to entertain him quite as much. This truly is a blessing and maybe I can start getting my apartment to not look like a bomb landed in the middle of it. Who knows what could happen now as a whole new world has opened up!! Well at least for a little while until movement starts and then I am sure it will close down again as I run after him. But for now I will put my feet up and eat my jacket potatoes and sip my tea whilst he plays happily on the floor.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Da Da Da.........
Mean while I have been considering the small possibility of doing baby modeling with my little cutie, however upon reading up on this I have decided that I just don't live in the right down and don't want to spend many miles traveling to every place under the sun, so unless something finds its way into our lives in a local location I am afraid that my little one will only be smiling for my camera but I have decided that I am totally fine with that.
Currently the two of us have been out and about all over the place as we are looking to buy a house. We are grateful that we are ok at the moment and can take advantage of the lower house prices. I know many people can't and I truly thank God for his blessings. I can't wait to paint my little guys room and I tempted to head towards Winnie the pooh but since everything is winnie the pooh maybe now is the time to give the poor child a break. The question is what do we go to next? I will have to have a think about that and let you know!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Who's been eatting my porridge??
Monday, September 29, 2008
And the little one said "Roll Over"
On another note I can't believe that my little guy is now 6 months old. This week he will begin taking solid foods. I can't believe how my little boy is growing up. Time truly does fly by. I can see that in no time a tall I will be waving him of to university with a tear in my eye thinking this is the little boy that once I could cradle in my arms and nurse to sleep, whilst putting the world to right with a gentle whisper.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Cribs away!!!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Under the weather and beyond.........
Saturday, September 6, 2008
To the Rescue.......
We have now a new addition to our weekly events and that is we are off to the rescue.... a horse rescue that is. I am finally beginning to get my horse fix in, which in many ways makes me feel a little more human. I have a friend that comes with me as currently I really can't do much with my boy strapped to my front. I have purchase a Ergo carrier which I love. Soon I will be able to strap him to my back and then there will be no stopping me. I truly hope that my boy will come to enjoy these trips as much as I, and who knows at some point in the future maybe there will be a little four legged friend that neighs for him to play with.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Swaddle Me, Swaddle Me Not
We started out the time with a trip to IKEA of all places as my little boy has too many toys already!! We also managed a trip to the county fair. We looked at every kind of farm animal including ponies of course. We even stared at some decorated toilets which were strange but fun. I looked at the bunnies and wish I could take one home but alas apartment living means no for now. I currently organize a Momtourage group at our church which had our meeting this week which was great fun as we picked the brains of two moms who have been there and done that. The off out in the evening followed the next day by a trip to a cousins graduation.
Having run around all over the place we are now trying to recover but through it all a small milestone was reached by the boy. We no longer need to be swaddled, we can sleep the night through with arms and legs free. He is truly growing up so fast.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
My little one has left me with so many of these moments already and I am sure there are many more to come. The bottom lip and the sad moth that pop out and vanish in a moment on the lead up to a cry, the eyebrows that raise when he stares at something, or when he is eating. The precious moment at 5am just as the birds are waking and I lie there awake with him in my bed having a sleepy cuddle.
I wonder what it will be like to have that 18 year old boy telling me that he is all grown up and all I will remember is those moments of giggles and gurgles. It is true he will always be my little boy no matter how big or tough he thinks he is!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
It's me and you verses the world kid!!
There has been no sleep or the wicked or the good over the last few days due to the fact the crib has had to have been taken apart. The safety recall does affect mine and so all hardware is no winging its way back to the producer to hopefully quickly send a voucher for a new one. However this lead to a couple of days of my precious little one sleeping back in my room. He slept find I however was kept awake by the repeated banging of his legs on the bottom of the pack and play for 20 minutes or more. He was fast asleep while he did it. It is say to say that once that crib was fully removed the pack and play was quickly placed in his bedroom.
However for this week it is me and my boy verses the world as my husband is off for a business trip and I am left home alone with the baby. Single mums I salute you as a week is quite long enough for me. I am counting down the days until I have someone at home to keep me sane. I am keeping myself busy off to friends and out to things at the library, but it is just not the same as having someone at home waiting.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Thumbs and 3.30am
But on a more happier not we have decided that the thumb is the thing to suck. We tried the dummy (pacifier to the USA) and he was having none of it. It had barley hit his month before it was spat out in disgust, so the thumb it is. I am looking on the side of he will never lose his thumb and praying it won't be a bad habit to break.
I can't believe that next week my little one will have hit that 4 month mark. Looking back at those earlier photos I can't believe he was ever that tiny. And even though at times I am questioning my sanity and my ability to do this huge task of raising this amazing boy, I feel truly blessed by God that he is hear. This morning at 6.15 am when those feed me noises crept over the monitor and I dragged my tired body into his room to feed I was greeted by smiles and giggles and I realised that it is all worth it and I would do it all again without a seconds thought.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Ponies and all.
On another note my little one is getting bigger and learning new things. Toys are becoming more interactive and interesting. For the briefest of moments he is able to sit and stare before toppling down again. I have known this that sitting and holding your head is something you learn but watch my sweet baby wobble as he tries to look around and sit up makes me realize how many muscles work for me to just sit here and type this entry. Life is exhausting for him to just lift his head and stare around but it is a joy to play with him. He giggles and grins as you lift him up to sitting and lowering him down again. I am sure that all too soon he will be crawling around and I will be wondering where my baby went. I am truly enjoying these moments even though I am tired. I feel very blessed by God that I have this amazing gift.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Independence Day
We all set off for friends after only one false start of a small explosion but that is another matter. We had a lovely evening where my little one happy sat and stared at all around and got the amount of attention he feels he deserves. We then went off to see some fireworks by the time we reached the field my sweet baby was asleep and he even managed to to stay asleep for the first few bangs but then he was awake. Wide eyed he stared at the flashes of colour which lit up the night sky. He was totally entranced by the magic. I have a feeling he takes after my side of the family after all with this love of firework displays.
And so we came home late and not on schedule but hey who needs that after a day of thrills, I am sure my little one had amazing dreams last night.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Three Months Old!!
But yet three months on, things are so much better and already the memories of those early days are not looking quite as horrid almost to the point where I think yes I can do this again. (Almost I said) I feel totally blessed by God that I have this amazing baby that sleeps most nights from 10-5 and is happy and healthy. We have achieved so much in these last few weeks from giggling and smiling to, lifting up our heads and gurgling conversations.
Part of me feels like he has been forever and life before him already feels like a distant memory but yet the other part of me thinks 3 months already where did that go. As we move forward I can't wait to see what happens and who he turns into. What will he like and dislike? What will his first word be? Will he continue to be as restless when awake once he is crawling as he is now?
For now we are going to just take one moment at a time and enjoy it while trying to get normal day to day things completed like washing, doctors appointments and also the things life throws at you when you least expect it like having your crib recalled due to safety issues.
Life was never boring and now I have a baby it just keeps throwing me more challenges every day.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Family, Friends and Adventures.
We have taken his first trip to the zoo and looked at the elephants, hippos and a panda too, although I think he found the people at the picnic area the most interesting above all else. I am sure by next year when he can stay awake things will be a lot different.
Also for most of the time my sweet little one has mastered the technique of sleeping from about 10.30 to 5.30 much to my joy and delight. Although we are fighting sleep a little more it is not for long.
Another thing has happened that was weird and that was that me and my husband ventured out for diner and a movie alone. It was strange to think that waiting at home was our son. However we all did well. I didn't worry too much and he was well behaved for our friends taking care of him.
But now our friends have left and it is back to just the three of us at home, the routine will soon be back. There is now only me to entertain his lordship but I am sure that he and I will cope.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Fun Filled Adventures
We have also visited the Amish Market near by on Thursday. That was a first for both of us. Granted he slept some of the time and is not of an age where candies and cakes tempt him, for which I am grateful to not have to deal with the "Mummy please I want it". I however enjoyed the Patty Melt for lunch and the frozen yogurt desert very much. I found many things I would love to buy including a dining table but at the price it was listed I feel I shall be waiting a while. Then in the evening we went to Church Group. This kid did not sleep indeed I got a little worried that he would not sleep enough as the brief nap at the Amish Market was all he got. This boy just loves watching people and while he is awake it is a rare sight to see his legs and arms not move. I think once he learns to crawl there will be no stopping him.
Then on Friday before the sun got too hot we had a picnic with friends. We saw our first ducks and looked on at friends having fun before falling into a peaceful sleep in the car seat. I think my Little one longs to run and play already. Temperatures quickly climbed causing us to say good bye but not before the kids had played and our bellies were full.
Next week friends are arriving and I am sure my little one will be spoiled rotten but if you can't be spoiled by Aunties the world is wrong. I am sure he will entertain them well as his little talking nosies don't stop, along with those heart stopping grins that truly take my breath away. As I am still questioning is he mine really mine??
Monday, June 2, 2008
I'm a big boy now!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Outings, Reunions and Shots
We then had our Birthing Class reunion. It was strange to meet all these bumps in person and listen to all our birthing stories of how these little ones arrived. Each one was different and many of us had not had the births we planned. I wanted a natural un-medicated birth. And I am proud to say that I did 22 hours of un-medicated labor but hit a wall at 8 cms dilation. Even after 5 hours of an epidural and potocin totally 27 hours of labor nothing had changed and I ended up with a c-section. I was upset by this out come in some ways, especially because I had gone through an external inversion at 36 weeks but since I managed to produce a 9 lb 3 oz baby boy so it is no wonder that my 5'2 frame decided that he was not coming out. But the great thing is that through it all we all got healthy babies and none of us could ask for more.
Then we ended the week with our 2 month check up. My little one is still tall for his age and he doesn't get that from his mum or his dad, and tracking average for weight. He is taking after his daddy for his body build. Indeed at times I am really beginning to question what I provided to his genetic make up. Also however at this appointment came 3 shots and one oral vaccine. I have never felt such a horrible mother as I let someone stick a needle in my sweet baby's legs. He looked at me to say what have I done to deserve this pain. How can you explain that this is for the best, as tears stream down his little face. Even a loving embrace does little to calm the upset for the first few minutes. For the rest of the day my little one was out of sorts and cross with the world. However as he seems to live in the moment, the smiles return to his face that night and some kind of normal life has been restored. I hope and pray that this memory quickly fades and only the happy times remain in his mind. He has two whole months to forget this event before we unleash this trauma again.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
An Overwhelming Feeling of ..........
My little one is already over 8 weeks old and I can hardly believe it! Time has truly flown by. Part of me can't believe 8 weeks have past but yet at the same time I can't really remember life before his arrival. Life has truly changed, no longer can I come first, I now come last. And I really wouldn't swap it. It is taking getting some getting use to this having a baby. No longer can I grab my bag and run out of the door to go see some friends or quickly get some groceries. Now it is a major planning expedition!! I have so many things to consider I think I am losing my mind, do I have diapers? When was his last feed? Does he need a nap? Can I get back before he has a melt down? How did people survive before the internet? Online grocery shopping is going to be my new best friend! In fact online shopping for anything and everything is my new best friend. Also emails and cell phones allow you contact with the outside world without ever going outside. How people did this before technology I will never know. I am truly grateful for all of this as I would truly be overwhelmed with having to do everything and also very isolated from friends and family.
But I must state that I am overwhelmingly happy!! OK OK I hear you enough with the overwhelming!! I am sorry I am tired and I have run out of thoughts!!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Many times I have watched my little one stare into space. A look of concentration and contentment that stays for just few minutes. I wonder in those moments what it is he is thinking. Does he remember the time in the womb? Does he remember the time before the womb, the time with his creator? If he does, does he still feel the presence of God? For these first few months he has no baggage, nothing that has hindered him. He is still an empty slate waiting for it to be written on. It amazes me that this child, this precious gift from God is mine, mine for me to bring up to mold. I can’t wait to watch him change and become this young man. For now I am left wondering what his thoughts are, but a glimpse is coming through as he smiles and takes his first laugh. I am sure that all too soon he will be telling me what he thinks, so for now I will relish the smiles and the giggles.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Super Mum
In fact I question whether I have not even began to drift, if not already there into bad parent. I have confessions. I do try to have my baby sleep on his back, but if that doesn't work any position goes including tummy and side, also some will argue that him sleeping in the bed with me is a bad thing but it is a simple equation. If he doesn't sleep neither do I and a really grumpy sleep deprived mum going on 2 hours of sleep is of no use to anyone. I don't change his diaper in the middle of every night as it normally wakes him up even more and again I really need sleep. We have a schedule and it is his. When he is hungry he is fed, when he sleeps I sleep, and when he cries I am there. A bath happens when it is needed not every night, and I don't have a bedtime routine. I will read some of the time to him but not everyday. We watch T.V together, but hey he is only 7 weeks old. Tummy time well that happens when I remember. It is a good job this boy is breastfed as sterilizing bottles is not really my thing either. And as for changing clothes and bedding for spit up, do I look like all I want to do is laundry. So there it is everyone my confessions of a bad mummy.
But then I look into the eyes of my little one as he gives me a big toothless smile and think............ he has clothes on his back, a roof over his head and food in his belly. He is showered with cuddles and kisses all day long and to him I am his world. He is happy, loved and cherished and healthy. No one will question my devotion to him because no one else wants to wake up at 1am, 5am to feed him. This job is underpaid but it is the best job there is and I won't swap it for anything. So as I try and strive to be the perfect mum I must remind myself that I am his mum and I am sure he thinks I am super! So I guess I am a Super Mum to him and he is the only person that counts!!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
To Bath or not to Bath?
So bath time has become a dreaded chore that we wish to avoid. But with the diaper explosions and the spit up causing cheese to form in the creases of his neck, so it is something that cannot be avoided. And so I was left with a true puzzle of how to bath an unwilling child. Granted when using the infant bath we really helped him develop his lungs as he screamed and his legs as he propelled himself off the end of the bath to the other and beyond, but I don't think it is enjoyable for anyone concerned. I have been told a little secret, that I was just the same at that age so he takes after his mother. Also to my joy he takes after his mother for the solution. To have a bath with a parent. I run a cool bath and I sit in it and have my son passed to me. The pinky toe hit the water and we braced ourselves but all there was was silence. As he sat on my knee and bobbed in the water held all around by loving arms there was peace. No screaming, no upset. We washed out the cheese from the neck without so much as a small cry. The bath passed almost enjoyably, soon I am sure he will be splashing around with his toys all giggles and smiles. So the nice blue infant bath will sit under his crib and gather dust, maybe we will use it in the future. My infant bath was used as a great place to put your hamster when cleaning the cage (without water of course). Who knows the next child we have may not take after their mother and love it, if not it will await for the small rodent to run and play in it.